English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cirewa" shine cim ma da wuce ta wani abu ko wanda ke gabanka, yawanci a cikin tsere, tafiya, ko bi. Hakanan yana iya nufin zuwa ba zato ba tsammani a kan wani abu ko wani, kamar a ci gaban mai tafiya a kan titi mai cunkoso. A ma’ana ta alama, tana iya nufin zarce ko wuce gona da iri a cikin nasara ko nasara.


  1. catch
  2. catch up with

Sentence Examples

  1. They made haste to overtake them, which, as the party moved slowly, they were able to do with ease.
  2. There was nothing else I could do, especially with darkness threatening to overtake me again.
  3. He landed and pumped his legs furiously, desperately trying to overtake the biker who was in third position.
  4. As for fixed abode, he said he had no other than that which chance offered wherever night might overtake him and his words ended in an outburst of weeping so bitter that we who listened to him must have been very stones had we not joined him in it, comparing what we saw of him the first time with what we saw now for, as I said, he was a graceful and gracious youth, and in his courteous and polished language showed himself to be of good birth and courtly breeding, and rustics as we were that listened to him, even to our rusticity his gentle bearing sufficed to make it plain.
  5. He thought of pursuing Fogg across the vast white plains it did not seem impossible that he might overtake him.
  6. She knew it was her imagination, but the calm seemed unnatural, as if the enclave held its breath in preparation for the storm that was about to overtake it.
  7. I could feel defeat mutating in my body, trying to overtake my healthy cells, like a new strain of invasive cancer.
  8. The murderous desire had already begun to overtake her.
  9. He dug his fingers into her hips and held her against him, breathing deeply to try to fend off the release that rapidly threatened to overtake him.
  10. We reach the turn off for Guatiza as an oncoming car screams towards us, swerving into our lane to overtake a white hatchback.