English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sa ido" shine aiki ko yanayin yin watsi da wani abu ko wani, yawanci sakamakon rashin kulawa ko kulawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin kulawa, gudanarwa ko jagorantar wani abu ko wani, musamman aikin gwamnati ko kungiya. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya nufin iya gani ko fahimtar wani abu a sarari, ko kuskure ko kuskure wanda ke haifar da rashin sa ido.


  1. lapse

Sentence Examples

  1. Established in the mid-1970s with minimal oversight, the Strategic Communications Ministry was a well-funded yet largely unknown organ in an already secretive system.
  2. Could we suppose an oversight in one, or two, or three, this oversight would have been remedied by a fourth.
  3. The oversight was understandable given the explosion in his head when he bent to untie the laces of his trainers.
  4. All that exercise and planning undone by one foolish oversight.
  5. If it flag for an instant, an oversight is committed resulting in injury or defeat.
  6. It suddenly occurs to me the oversight has put both Pedro and Paula in even greater danger.
  7. In the act of consigning the corpse to the water, he would unquestionably have noticed his oversight but then no remedy would have been at hand.