English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "asali" ita ce:(suna) Farkon sigar wani abu da ake yin kwafi ko daga shi. wani abu da aka samu. Ya kasance daga farko, na farko ko na farko. ba a samu ko kwafi daga wani abu dabam ba. ba kamar wani abu ko wani ba.


  1. master
  2. master copy

Sentence Examples

  1. Then he pushed himself from the chair and, crossing the room, delivered both the original message and his own decoded sheet to the fire.
  2. I recall the many hours Celestino spent in the following weeks designing the new board, with Gloria leaning over him engaged in every step the day he brought it over to Máguez for a trial run, and everyone agreed it was much better than the original.
  3. Why would he omit the truth about our original encounter on the sidewalk?
  4. I click on the original Spanish version, much longer than mine, and for once make an effort to understand fully why Celestino is so passionate about those hotels.
  5. His hands still shaking he folded the document carefully back into its original square.
  6. The drunk moved unhurriedly from the street, using as support the wall that had caused his original collapse, and which was now so vital in preventing a plummet from the vertical.
  7. He rode towards the two riders, his eyes scanning the landscape to ensure that his original assessment that there were no others was correct.
  8. Hazeldene had grown from an original Norman stronghold to more of a country residence.
  9. Without a second thought, and forgetting my original promise, I sprang from my hiding spot and rushed towards Jason.
  10. Though the original shell of the house was a wood-framed cabin, my parents had added many rooms, including a west and an east wing bookending the massive structure.