English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "gagaru" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gaba ɗaya, yana nufin wani yanki na musamman na kwayoyin halitta mai takamaiman aiki ko manufa. Ga wasu ma’anoni daban-daban: Wani sashe na jikin dabba ko tsiro mai yin wani aiki na musamman, kamar zuciya, hanta, ko huhu a cikin dabba, ko tushen, kara, ko ganye a cikin shuka. wanda aka buga ta hanyar maɓalli ko wata hanyar sarrafawa. Bugawa ko na lokaci-lokaci, musamman wanda aka keɓe ga wani fanni ko sha'awa, kamar mujallar likita ko mujallar kasuwanci. Ƙungiya mai sarƙaƙƙiya ta zamantakewa, kamar gwamnati ko kamfani, mai sassa daban-daban ko raka'a tare da takamaiman ayyuka da ayyuka.


  1. hammond organ
  2. electronic organ
  3. electric organ

Sentence Examples

  1. Seems odd that a church in such a small town would have such a magnificent organ.
  2. A double row of adults, men in back, women in front, sat beside the organ.
  3. My Essence was like a natural life-force, one continuous ball of power needing no physical organ to make it produce and perform.
  4. Tovras had been asked to play the organ during planned pre-wedding festivities, but he had politely excused himself and blamed it on nerves.
  5. The organ, which had been playing prelude music for the last hour, completed one last verse while he made his way back to the pulpit, so the service could begin.
  6. Here, the balcony only extended across the narrow back wall of the church, containing the organ, which, as he had suspected, was rather too large and ornate for the town, and even threatened to overwhelm the church itself .
  7. The organ began to hum, and a moment later, Kristina crashed out a loud and dissonant chord, which more than repaid her earlier scare, startling him so much he banged his knee on the pulpit.
  8. Though the high sun suggested lunchtime, she felt near to bursting with sweet treats and needed nothing more, and the organ was calling her.
  9. Fewer odds and ends meant less cleaning, and therefore more time to practice on the piano in the parlor or head down to the church to visit her one true love, the pipe organ.
  10. Now was a bad time to disturb him, as the congregation was settling to pleasant organ music.