English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “oda” na iya samun ma’anoni da dama, gami da: shugabanci Buƙatar da abokin ciniki ya yi don kaya ko ayyuka Takamammen tsari ko tsari Ƙungiyar zamantakewa ko addini da ke da alaƙa da ƙa'idodi da al'adu gama gari. li> Rarraba halittu a cikin tsarin harajiMataki ko girman wani abu, sau da yawa dangane da tsari ko tsaftaWaɗannan su ne kawai kadan daga cikin ma’anar “tsari,” kamar yadda kalmar tana da ma’anoni daban-daban dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. I want you to go to the medical division and order an evacuation.
  2. Evan knew the only reason they were not upon him now was because of the hooded lord atop the throne, but he sensed it was only a matter of time before the lord gave the order.
  3. All were labelled with numbers in an order only the Alliance knew, to ensure nobody but them could tell which door led to which universe.
  4. Then I order an after-dinner drink since Richard pulled the waitress over and ordered a scotch.
  5. I half-expected Nell to order us to run out into the road.
  6. The Muscatine, Iowa, native made a fortune in the 1920s broadcasting ads for his mail order products, claiming his natural remedies would cure what ailed people as opposed to what he considered the corrupt American Medical Association.
  7. An escort will take you to the bathrooms in order to clean yourself up.
  8. They cannot stop the natural order of things anymore.
  9. They looked scared, but had clearly been given an order.
  10. No one questioned the order, and Saki and I led the group across the entrance hall.

TV Series Examples



lf the Lannisters were to order attacks



The first order of business



off to join the ancient order