English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Orchestra" babban rukuni ne na mawaƙa waɗanda suke yin kida daban-daban tare, yawanci ciki har da zaren, tagulla, iska, da kayan kida. Hakanan ana amfani da kalmar "Orchestra" don komawa wurin da ke cikin gidan wasan kwaikwayo ko gidan wasan kwaikwayo inda mawakan ke wasa. Bugu da kari, “Orchestra” na iya komawa zuwa ga hadaddiyar kida da aka rubuta domin kungiyar makada ta yi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The remaining members of the orchestra had taken their seats, the royal family mulled around behind the casket and the master of ceremonies stood beside the conductor near the orchestra reviewing the sequence of events.
  2. It was almost as if the sound sprang up at the rising of his hand, just as the music of a great orchestra seems to leap under the bâton of the conductor.
  3. The Royal Orchestra played a song that was only played at royal weddings, and as a result had never before been heard in Solenta.
  4. As the song swelled louder and louder until I almost wanted to cover my ears to keep from going deaf, the entire orchestra stopped suddenly.
  5. My confusion gave way to astonishment when he proceeded to play a harmony with himself for the entirety of the song, as the rest of the orchestra simply watched on in reverence.
  6. This elicited loud applause, in the midst of which the orchestra was just striking up a deafening air, when the pyramid tottered, the balance was lost, one of the lower noses vanished from the pyramid, and the human monument was shattered like a castle built of cards!
  7. Instead the echo of high tide and the chamber orchestra danced around us in a private, romantic serenade, and I was captivated by the way your pale eyes flared with excitement.
  8. His auburn hair was artfully tousled, and though he wore black like the rest of the orchestra, there was fine gold filigree that lined the seams of his clothing.
  9. After dessert by the pool, we danced in the ballroom until the orchestra asked us to leave.