English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "operator" ya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gaba ɗaya, yana nufin wani ko wani abu mai aiki, sarrafawa, sarrafawa, ko sarrafa wani abu. Ga wasu ma’anar kalmar da aka saba amfani da su: -ayyukan rana ko yin wani takamaiman aiki Mutumin da ya yi wani aiki ko aiki a cikin kasuwanci ko ƙungiya li> Alama ko aiki da ke yin aiki na lissafi ko na ma'ana akan darajoji ɗaya ko fiyeMutumin da ke sarrafa hanyar sadarwa ko tsarin sadarwa ko aiki a aikin soja ko na leƙen asiri.Waɗannan su ne kaɗan daga cikin misalan hanyoyi daban-daban da ake iya amfani da kalmar "operator".


  1. manipulator

Sentence Examples

  1. That rules out the raging fair-ground operator, Sant mused.
  2. When the operator answered, his voice sounded on the edge of collapse, it was flat and quiet.
  3. I asked the operator to connect me to the Elegance Hotel.
  4. The operator waved back as he watched the two brothers slip into the crowd once more.
  5. Before he entered, the operator of the house grabbed his arm.
  6. As they approached and were about to enter, the ride operator stopped them.
  7. The camera jostled wildly as the operator tried to push his way through the crowd.
  8. The operator turned and motioned to the house with his hand.
  9. The last couple made for the tank as its operator tried to bring its weapons to focus on them.
  10. The ride operator turned and smiled at the clearly disturbed boy.