English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "buɗe" ita ce:wani aiki ko misali na yin ko buɗewa rami ko rami mai ba da damar shiga ko wucewa ta mafari ko farkon wani abuwani matsayi, musamman a wata kungiya ko cibiya dama ko damar yin wani abu li>farko na yau da kullun ko na biki, kamar buɗe sabon gini ko taron ƙaɗan motsin farko a cikin wasa, kamar dara ko abin dubawabayani na farko ko bayani , kamar bude jawabi ko makala.

Sentence Examples

  1. She escorted him to the door but hesitated before opening it.
  2. It was his father who had shown him how the deshya could help him focus, how physical exertion could clear his mind, opening the door for his thoughts to flow freely.
  3. He gave up his stance and went to the door, opening it and beckoning her in.
  4. The Queen giggled like a little girl, opening the mandibles on all of her heads.
  5. The opening was about four feet wide by six feet tall.
  6. Opening the drawstring, he reached inside, knowing instantly what she had brought him.
  7. Carla needed a break from all the work and drama with Striker and his stepfather freaking out over who would be the starting pitcher in the opening game.
  8. I ran around the corner of the nearest office block and went for my communicator, navigating my way to offworld maps and opening one of the city.
  9. Pale spring light flooded the sitting room, Moiria having decided days ago it was time to start opening the drapes again.
  10. Opening the ledger, Kila flipped through its pages.