English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “offset” yana da ma’anoni da dama, gami da: Nisa ko adadin da ake mayar da wani abu baya ko kuma ya fice daga matsayinsa na asali. Misali: An cire ƙafafun motar gaba daga ƙafafunta na baya. Misali: Nauyin da ke gefen kishiyar seesaw yana aiki ne a matsayin koma baya ga nauyin daya bangaren. ma'auni. Misali: Karin albashin da nake karba yana rage tsawon tafiya zuwa aiki. sai kan takarda. Misali: Na'urar bugawa ta gyara gyara don tabbatar da cewa launukan sun daidaita daidai. ko gyara wani abu. Misali: Abubuwan da ake fitar da iskar carbon daga masana'anta an daidaita su ta hanyar dasa bishiyoyi.


  1. counterbalance

Sentence Examples

  1. She had to strain to hear the offset rhythm of the Ljosalfr within the subtle winds.
  2. More people gathered behind me, bringing new smells to offset the ones emanating from the street traffic.
  3. Cream colored carpets offset by cherry cabinets and matching end tables brought a certain amount of luxuriousness to the space, while black trim and glossy finishes added a touch of elegance.
  4. The white was offset by a few black markings on his face, but white whiskers poked out around his muzzle and above his eyes.
  5. The flame flickered as he settled back over her, his thick muscles offset by the shadows cast from the candlelight.
  6. The approach I proposed was to provide subordinated investment funds at very low rates, recognizing that, over time, the yields on these funds would probably not offset the losses associated with the high risks of these investments.
  7. He hopes already to offset the loss he has made tonight, and more, with the blood that runs through my veins.
  8. The last two levels they climbed had offset stair wells, forcing them to zig-zag across the entire floor to find the next stairwell.
  9. In other words, the idea is to create enough economic incentives not to go to war that they offset the many other causes that push people to war.
  10. Connor moved uncomfortably in his light tan suit and striped Braxton tie, but it was a powerful offset to his cocoa-touched skin.