English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "m" ita ce sanya wani abu da ba a sani ba ko kuma mai wuyar fahimta, don ɓoyewa ko ɓoye wani abu, ko sanya wani abu da ba a iya gani ko gani ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ba a san shi ba ko kuma ba a fahimce shi ba, ko kuma wani abu da ke da wuyar samu ko samu. A matsayin sifa, “m” na iya siffanta wani abu da ba a sauƙin fahimta, sani, ko gane shi, ko wani abu mai ban mamaki ko mai wuyar ganewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The pants, which she had tightened with a strip of twine, added a distinct frumpy look to her morning muddle and seemed to evoke a smile from Rune, who kept his face low as if trying to obscure her view.
  2. They raced down the hall and around the corner to an obscure door that led to the service elevator.
  3. Richard dropped his head into his hands, his hair fell to obscure his eyes and his voice held an edge of anguish.
  4. Our first meeting was at an obscure library in the Rue Montmartre, where the accident of our both being in search of the same very rare and very remarkable volume, brought us into closer communion.
  5. If they were simple business transactions, why go to such lengths to obscure them?
  6. He wore a pair of baggy overalls with the straps hanging down and a gray hoodie flipped up to obscure his face, clothes given to him by one of his friends.
  7. There were no clouds to obscure the moon that night, but it was waning fortunately and cast little light.
  8. Distorted shadows of forgotten faces peered from a distance where they were the most obscure.
  9. Passepartout did not observe the detective, who stood in an obscure corner but Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr.
  10. There, at some obscure wharf, he would have leaped on land.