English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nukiliya" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Anan ga wasu ma’anoni kaɗan masu yiwuwa: Dangantakar da tsakiya na zarra: Wataƙila wannan ita ce ma'anar da aka fi sani da "nukiliya." A cikin wannan mahallin, kalmar tana nufin duk wani abu da ke da alaƙa da tsakiya na atom, wanda ya ƙunshi protons da neutrons. yawan amfani da "nukiliya" yana nufin makaman da suke amfani da makamashin da aka fitar ta hanyar tsaga tsakiya na kwayar zarra. Waɗannan makaman suna da ƙarfi sosai kuma suna lalata da su. Makarantun makamashin nukiliya suna amfani da tsarin sarkar da aka sarrafa don sakin zafi, wanda kuma ana amfani da shi don samar da wutar lantarki. zuwa ga tsakiya na tantanin halitta, wanda ya ƙunshi DNA ta tantanin halitta. yana tsakiyar ko jigon wani abu, kamar "iyalin nukiliya" (iyaye da 'ya'yansu) ko "zabin nukiliya" (tsanani ko matsananciyar ma'auni).

Sentence Examples

  1. Word is that a nuclear power plant went boom somewhere in the Midwest.
  2. During them Babis was pre-sented with the tragic dilemma of whether or not to continue devouring the rest, although those who knew him well would comment that not even a nuclear ex-plosion would force him to put his fork down, and they would not be far from the truth.
  3. The entire place could explode, go nuclear, if something sparked it.
  4. They had a new order of science and laws, and no doubt they would go on and on until they wiped themselves out in some awful nuclear apocalypse.
  5. In the middle of ten thousand acres northeast of Burlington, Kansas, the head night engineer at Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant studied a series of computer readouts.
  6. There never was a research project with nuclear stress tests.
  7. Hell, there was enough magic in here to power the equivalent of a nuclear weapon.
  8. Morris was working on new techniques for nuclear stress tests.
  9. Biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons had taken their toll, and a large portion of the planet was rendered uninhabitable.
  10. Neither of her parents were enthusiastic about Lance seeing their daughter, and they almost went nuclear when he announced his intentions to propose.