English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sanarwa" sanarwa ce ta hukuma ko saƙo da ke sanar da wani game da wani abu. Wani aiki ne na sanarwa ko sanar da shi. Yana iya zama sadarwar rubutu ko ta baki wacce ke faɗakar da wani game da wani abu, canjin matsayi, ko wasu mahimman bayanai. Ana iya aika sanarwar ta tashoshi daban-daban kamar imel, saƙon rubutu, kiran waya, ko sanarwar turawa akan na'urar hannu. Manufar sanarwar ita ce sanar da mutane da kuma sabbin abubuwa game da muhimman abubuwan da suka faru ko canje-canje.


  1. notice

Sentence Examples

  1. Notification of our arrival has already reached the Inner Circle and High Council.
  2. Frustrated with waiting for notification, she started out the door of her office just as Miri arrived with the news.
  3. We received notification that an unauthorized air vehicle entered OmniLab territory a short time ago.
  4. The type of viewing, in other words, that is logged, a notification sent to the profile own-er, and the consequences of said viewing assumed by the visitor.
  5. Dillingham and I did the notification later that evening.