English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsaka-tsaki" shine yanayin rashin goyon baya ko taimakawa kowane bangare a cikin rikici, rashin jituwa, ko gasa. Yana nufin matsayi na rashin son kai, rashin son kai, da rashin son zuciya ko bangaranci ga kowane bangare ko ra'ayi. Hakanan tsaka-tsaki na iya nufin yanayin rashin son kai ko rashin yin bangaranci a cikin jayayya ko rikici. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi a yanayin dangantakar kasa da kasa, inda kasashe za su iya zaɓar su kasance cikin tsaka-tsaki a lokacin yaƙi ko rikicin siyasa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Both visiting gentlemen know about the other, and we have asked them to respect your neutrality.
  2. Between White Fang and them existed a neutrality and no more.
  3. Your obsession with breaking up slave rings has compromised your neutrality.
  4. Oliva will inform you likewise, monsieur, of the consent His Catholic Majesty gives to the signature of a treaty which assures the neutrality of Spain in the event of a war between France and the United Provinces.
  5. Though official declarations assigned a benign neutrality to the classification, any reasonable student of history might think otherwise.
  6. Neutrality laws were strict, and if Britain came down too heavily on either side, there was the risk of war with the other.
  7. In default of his assistance, it was necessary to be assured of his neutrality.
  8. Latvia and Bulgaria had already reached separate neutrality agreements with the Soviet Union in return for withdrawing from NATO.