English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jin tsoro" ita ce: A sauƙaƙe tada hankali ko firgita; tending to be anxious or aprehensive. Dangataka da ko shafar jijiyoyi ko tsarin jijiya. ) Samun ko nuna m ko m tsarin mulki ko hali.Jumla misali: Ta kasance cikin tashin hankali kafin babban gabatarwar ta, ta kasa daina girgiza.


  1. aflutter

Sentence Examples

  1. He was relieved to see the other Novices looked nervous too, if not downright terrified like he was.
  2. I felt nervous walking up to the house, but once inside, I recovered quickly.
  3. I was starting to believe him, but he still made me nervous.
  4. Nervous laughter on my part, I might add, because I was working so hard at being cool.
  5. Charlene scratches her head, looks away and offers up that nervous laugh again, like the criminals I used to interview for the newspaper, the ones who would claim they were innocent while avoiding your eyes and shuffling their feet.
  6. Cianne was waiting for him when he arrived home, pacing his common room with nervous agitation.
  7. She hurried down to the training courtyard, feeling both excited and nervous.
  8. Why do I have to be such a nervous wreck all the time?
  9. The fact demons were hunting him was turning him into a nervous wreck.
  10. He enjoyed the relaxing sensation of the hot water but was nervous not having his sword on him.