English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "Negro" ita ce kamar haka:noun: memba na rukunin mutane masu duhu, musamman na Afirka ko wani ɓangare na asalin Afirka. > sifa: dangane da baƙar fata ko kuma al'adun su, musamman a Amurka.Ya kamata a lura cewa kalmar "Negro" tana da tarihin da ya haifar da cece-kuce, kuma mutane da yawa suna ɗaukan ta a matsayin wanda ya tsufa ko kuma ya zama abin ƙyama. A cikin amfani na zamani, kalmomin kamar "Black" ko "Baƙar fata Ba'amurke" an fi son gabaɗaya.


  1. colored
  2. coloured

Sentence Examples

  1. Historically in the United States, anyone with any African ancestors was referred to as colored, Negro, black, or African-American with all of these terms being synonymous but acceptable in different eras.
  2. It was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a negro in tow-cloth jacket and trowsers, a round-crowned fragment of a hat, like the cap of Mercury, and mounted on the back of a ragged, wild, half-broken colt, which he managed with a rope by way of halter.
  3. I had never seen the good old negro look so dispirited, and I feared that some serious disaster had befallen my friend.
  4. There is as much difference to my eyes between the leaded bourgeois type of a Times article and the slovenly print of an evening half-penny paper as there could be between your negro and your Esquimau.
  5. Ending Negro chattel slavery would only throw millions of coloreds on the labor market and drive low wages even lower.
  6. The negro obeyed him promptly, and apparently with but little trouble ascending higher and higher, until no glimpse of his squat figure could be obtained through the dense foliage which enveloped it.
  7. Public schools were not required to accept Negro children and if they chose to do so were allowed to provide separate facilities.
  8. Then she announced that God had just given her a story to tell, and she gently related a tale about an old negro who passed by a church from which glorious music streamed.
  9. The astonished negro opened his eyes and mouth to the fullest extent, let fall the spades, and fell upon his knees.
  10. The musician was an old gray-headed negro, who had been the itinerant orchestra of the neighborhood for more than half a century.