English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " kewaya" shine tsarawa da jagorantar hanya ko hanyar jirgin ruwa, jirgin sama, ko wani nau'i na sufuri don isa wani wuri. Hakanan yana iya nufin nemo hanyar mutum ko motsawa zuwa wata hanya ta wani wuri ko tsari, ko sarrafa ko magance wani yanayi ko matsala cikin basira. Bugu da ƙari, kalmar na iya nufin yin amfani da na'urorin lantarki ko wasu kayan aiki don tantance matsayin mutum da tsara tsarin aiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her skills had grown to such an extent that she rarely broke any of them anymore, even though the space she could navigate kept decreasing.
  2. All those school years provided a regimen we endured and learned to navigate and although we saw glimpses of the adult world, once we arrive, it feels foreign.
  3. Most trader crews had plenty of techs, but there was a high demand for people who were actually willing to navigate the ruins.
  4. Calle San Juan is one of the main routes through the village and never that pleasant to navigate by foot due to its narrowness and near total absence of pavements.
  5. Open yourself and let me show you how to navigate.
  6. A fairly straightforward grid of streets cut regular swathes through Cearova, which would make the sewers easy enough for Cianne to navigate, given the mental map of the city she had long since established in her head.
  7. I liked having to rely on my wolf senses to navigate.
  8. He tried to navigate toward her but found it difficult without being able to see the familiar threads of thoughts and memories.
  9. I manage to navigate my way out of the village and round the two hairpins before I feel myself collapsing.
  10. He was considerably shorter than Alec and appeared to be far more of a tech room junkie than someone who could navigate the pits.