English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, tatsuniya labari ne na gargajiya, sau da yawa tare da jigo na addini ko na allahntaka, wanda ke bayyana tushen ko al'adun al'umma kuma yawanci ya haɗa da alloli ko talikai. Ana amfani da tatsuniyoyi sau da yawa don bayyana al'amuran halitta, abubuwan tarihi, ko al'adu da imani na al'ada. Hakanan za su iya zama wata hanya ta isar da muhimman al'adu da al'adu daga tsara zuwa na gaba. A cikin amfani da zamani, kalmar "tatsuniya" na iya nufin wani imani ko ra'ayi da aka fi sani da shi wanda ba bisa gaskiya ko shaida ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. I racked my brain for anything I knew about faeries from folklore and myth.
  2. For years everyone had told him that the Amazon creatures known as the Giant Hape Crushers were just a fantasy a myth that was created to keep people from exploring this part of the forest.
  3. These were the true dragons, those of myth and legend.
  4. It was as if the plague had broken out in a country and news had been spreading around that in one or another place there was a man, a wise man, a knowledgeable one, whose word and breath was enough to heal everyone who had been infected with the pestilence, and as such news would go through the land and everyone would talk about it, many would believe, many would doubt, but many would get on their way as soon as possible, to seek the wise man, the helper, just like this this myth ran through the land, that fragrant myth of Gotama, the Buddha, the wise man of the family of Sakya.
  5. From college, the myth she recalled about them was that they feasted upon dead human flesh.
  6. And think of their ancient stories and their myths, the legends they once revered before they themselves became myth.
  7. But love at first sight was still a myth to Lukas, until now.
  8. This myth had been passed on for generations, since the time of the drac lords.
  9. This myth, this rumour, this legend resounded, its fragrants rose up, here and there in the towns, the Brahmans spoke of it and in the forest, the Samanas again and again, the name of Gotama, the Buddha reached the ears of the young men, with good and with bad talk, with praise and with defamation.
  10. Reviving the dead Well, I guess love potions are a myth, Brooke thought.