English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "moss" tana nufin kowane nau'i (Musci) na shuke-shuke na bryophytic da aka bambanta da su daga liverworts ta hanyar rhizoids masu yawa da kuma ta hanyar samun kullun da ke dauke da spores wanda yawanci a kan wani nau'i na daban daga capsule mai ɗaukar hoto. Mosses yawanci suna girma a cikin ƙanƙara, ƙananan tabarmi ko dunƙule a kan ƙasa, duwatsu, bishiyoyi, ko wasu filaye a cikin damp ko wuraren zama masu inuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The ground was covered with pinecones, needles, and a funny layer of mustard green moss.
  2. A young woman leaned against a fallen tree trunk blanketed in moss.
  3. They were topped with a spongy, yellow moss, and strange fungi clung to the undersides.
  4. The vibrant moss looked soft and spongy against the sheen precipice.
  5. The cliffs were enhanced by vivid green moss, growing in thick clumps throughout the crevices of the sheer surface.
  6. Sinking my fingers into the springy moss, I peered over the top of the highest log.
  7. We walked up the driveway, passing several large and ancient oak trees dripping with Spanish Moss.
  8. I sunk my face into the moss and whispered words of thanks to Jason for saving me.
  9. Near a cluster of trees sat a large rock overgrown with moss, and on that rock sat Hawke, his back towards us and his head in his hands.
  10. The present faded, and all I could see was the hazy outline of old stone and moss.