English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na ɗabi'a shine ka'idoji ko ƙa'idodi na ɗabi'a waɗanda gabaɗaya jama'a ko ƙungiya suka yarda da su a matsayin daidai ko kuskure. Hakanan ɗabi'a na iya komawa ga imani ko ƙima na mutum wanda ke jagorantar ɗabi'a da yanke shawara, musamman dangane da abin da ake ganin daidai ko kuskure, mai kyau ko mara kyau, mai adalci ko marar adalci. Ma'ana, ɗabi'a ta ƙunshi ƙa'idodin ɗabi'a da ɗabi'a waɗanda ke tafiyar da ayyuka da zaɓin mutum, da kuma ɗabi'u da aƙidar da ke tsara ra'ayinsu na duniya.

Sentence Examples

  1. In their desperation, the Catholic Church took off the reins of morality.
  2. I shall say nothing of those remote nations where the yahoos preside among which the least corrupted are the Brobdingnagians, whose wise maxims in morality and government it would be our happiness to observe.
  3. The learning of this people is very defective, consisting only in morality, history, poetry, and mathematics, wherein they must be allowed to excel.
  4. The cozy and comfortable morality of high-tech Seattle and Portland had no place in a world where life was brutish and short.
  5. My father is nothing more than the pretense of morality, and I was not the son of his prayers.
  6. For my own part, I could not avoid reflecting how universally this talent was spread of drawing lectures in morality, or indeed rather matter of discontent and repining, from the quarrels we raise with nature.
  7. This action does not follow the Paladins of Zeal code of morality that the Creator has given us.
  8. I have perused many of their books, especially those in history and morality.
  9. You shall crush corruption, defend the helpless, foster with your words and deeds the tenets of morality and righteousness.
  10. So as your review of my work escalated into the apathy of my generation and the inevitable demise of the morality of our country, I decided I would never again seek your opinion.