English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "matsakaici" ita ce yin wani abu zuwa wani matsayi ko matsayi wanda bai wuce kima ko wuce gona da iri ba. Yana nufin yin wani abu cikin ma'ana ko daidaitacce, ba tare da wuce gona da iri ba ko kuma wuce gona da iri. Hakanan yana iya nufin kasancewa cikin matsakaici ko matsakaicin ƙarfi ko girma, maimakon zama babba ko ƙasa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Logan was happy to see that the train was moderately full.
  2. The wind was firm from the southeast, so it was another moderately close-hauled sail.
  3. The people were advanced enough to be fully clothed and communicate with a moderately advanced spoken language.
  4. It might not have been as bad if my nurse was at least moderately attractive.
  5. There were a few moderately large dairy farms, but even those had only a few hundred cows each, much smaller than the successful dairy farms in South Africa.
  6. He was moderately tall with black hair, Indian or Pakistani.