English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "motsi" ita ce ikon motsi ko motsi kyauta da sauƙi. Wannan yana iya nufin motsin jiki, kamar iya tafiya, gudu, ko tafiye-tafiye ta hanyoyin sufuri daban-daban, ko kuma yana iya komawa ga motsin zamantakewa ko tattalin arziki, kamar ikon canza ayyuka, ƙaura, ko ci gaba a cikin sana'a. A fannin fasaha, motsi kuma yana iya nufin ikon samun bayanai ko amfani da na'urori yayin tafiya, kamar ta wayar hannu, kwamfutar tafi-da-gidanka, ko wasu na'urorin lantarki masu ɗaukar nauyi.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her latest, involving an entire exhibition of paintings swapped, not with forgeries but with different works of art, and some ludicrous explanation as to who was behind it and why, caused him to rise from the couch with sudden mobility, and head straight to his travel agent to book the first available flight to Arrecife.
  2. Lack of mobility never stopped them being dangerous.
  3. The wings can get them to great vertical heights, but their weight appears to limit mobility over long distances.
  4. He wanted to make the most of the mobility and gas he had.
  5. As I valued mobility and speed, I looked for and found a shop specializing in lightweight leather armor.