English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kuskure" ita ce yin wani abu a cikin kuskure ko kuskure. Yana nufin aikin aikata wani abu ba daidai ba, kuskure, ko kuskure saboda rashin fahimta ko rashin ilimi. Kalmar “kuskure” magana ce da ke bayyana wani aiki da aka yi ba daidai ba ko kuma ba bisa kuskure ba, ba tare da aniyar yin haka ba. Alal misali, "Na yi kuskuren ƙara gishiri maimakon sukari a cikin batter na kek."


  1. erroneously

Sentence Examples

  1. Many first-time visitors mistakenly believed the ivy-clad turret was The Tower.
  2. We mistakenly allowed him to keep his power to declare war.
  3. It was a good plan, but they mistakenly left behind the backpack with all the night vision in it.
  4. J R Mortimer, the nineteenth-century antiquarian, mistakenly identified the mound as a Bronze Age round barrow.
  5. Was it possible that when David Drummond saw her at the hotel, he had mistakenly believed it was she who had taken the photo that night and not Alice?