English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “bata” ita ce a jagorance ta ko a jagorance ta ta hanyar da ba ta dace ba ko da manufa ko manufa mara kyau. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wanda aka ɓata ko kuskure cikin imani, ra’ayinsa, ko ayyukansa, sau da yawa saboda rashin ilimi, fahimta, ko ingantaccen hukunci. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “ɓatacce” tana nufin wani abu ko wani wanda ba a bin hanya, bata, ko kuskure ta wata hanya.


  1. ill-conceived

Sentence Examples

  1. He shook himself and redirected his misguided thoughts back to Tony.
  2. The other side of the gap was more tundra, but as I made my way southward, I saw a handful of permanent settlements where some desperate or misguided farmers eked out a living from the hard, harsh land.
  3. Azaz, accoutered in full armor, shone like a misguided sun, his white godly eyes wavering between the tattered birds.
  4. If we capture her quickly, I can still convince Harken that this was a case of misguided youthful energy.
  5. But even if they, yea verily, opened the benighted eyes of the poor misguided researchers and consultants, there were six security specialists, probably good Americans all, who would be doing their duty as they saw it by trying to stop him.
  6. All he wants to do is justify his misguided choice.
  7. Having begun a misguided attempt at renewal, the city had lost interest it appeared and moved on without a backward glance.
  8. Misguided Through decay of years you have seen us depart from your haven washing our youthful hands of you your word once signified to us a scepter of truth has been tempered to endorse our iniquities Petty rituals endeavor to serve as your alter but reciting hail marys cannot deliver our souls We still have not learned that our spirits will not be freed on account of obedience to ceremonial rules Only a Girl He said if I returned to him then he would return to me but I am only a worm of a girl yet he speaks as though life was like taking small breaths as simple as birds I suppose if I spoke like pearls walked on prudent feet penciled my hands sterling silver I could be that sunset for you the lash of sky across your Nevada If only I followed you with earnest I would not shake like December limbs or fetter my wings with snow through you I am moved to become the woman I should be Lifeboat I was too precocious for autumn, too benign for moon.
  9. It was not necessary to knock his friend on the head with the misguided packet.
  10. On the credit side, he had arrested a small group of misguided people who had been duped into criminal fire-raising.