English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hankali" shine a mai da hankali, sani, ko a hankali, musamman game da wani abu mai mahimmanci ko mahimmanci. Hakanan yana iya nufin kasancewa mai hankali ko ganganci cikin tunanin mutum, ji, da ayyukansa. A haƙiƙa, hankali yana nufin kasancewa a halin yanzu da kuma kula da tunanin mutum, ji, da kewaye. Sau da yawa yakan haɗa da rashin yanke hukunci da yarda da abubuwan da mutum ya fuskanta, da kuma haɓaka sha'awar sani da buɗaɗɗen abubuwan da suka faru.


  1. aware

Sentence Examples

  1. I rubbed the back of my neck, mindful not to touch my face.
  2. He stepped back to the bed, mindful not to stand on the kids or kitten.
  3. Miranda limped over to the desk and began to check the drawers and nooks, ever mindful of noises from the hall.
  4. We must be forever mindful of this awesome responsibility and never betray the trust that the People have placed in us.
  5. I was more mindful when a second spear came hissing out of the shadows.
  6. I am mindful of my part, of rudimentary scripts that no one fathoms.
  7. In split-second timing, Lucky darted past the dog and raced directly towards the front door of the cabin, mindful of the piercing pain in her tail.
  8. Art thou, perchance, mindful of thy enslaved knight who of his own free will hath exposed himself to so great perils, and all to serve thee?
  9. She wound the line around the beam and took extra care with the knot, mindful of the value of the gift.
  10. I have adopted a measured and reasonable approach in certain passages of exposition, mindful that I am not judge and jury.