English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "dutsen niƙa" babban dutse ne, madauwari da ake amfani da shi don niƙa hatsi ko wasu kayan a cikin niƙa. Dabbobi, ruwa, ko iska ne ke sarrafa dutsen niƙa, kuma ana amfani da su wajen samar da fulawa, abinci, ko sauran kayayyakin ƙasa. A ma’ana ta alama, kalmar “dutsen niƙa” kuma yana iya nufin wani nauyi mai nauyi ko nauyi da ke da wuyar ɗauka ko nasara.

Sentence Examples

  1. The ruined millstone tower at the far end of the monastery had, over centuries of erosion, peeled in half like a thunderstruck tree.
  2. Once I saw the flames rise, I threw a handful of barley onto the lower millstone and dragged the smaller upper stone back and forth over the grain with as much energy as I could muster.
  3. This case was a millstone but, beyond that, what was happening to me?