English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "madara" wani farin ruwa ne da mata masu shayarwa (kamar shanu, awaki, da tumaki) suke samarwa don ciyar da 'ya'yansu. Yawanci yana da wadata a cikin sinadirai, irin su calcium da furotin, kuma yawancin mutane suna cinye shi azaman abinci ko abin sha. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar “madara” don yin nuni ga fitar da wasu shuke-shuke ko abubuwan da suka yi kama da madara a siffa ko siffa.

Sentence Examples

  1. When I open the fridge, the level of milk and juice look about the same and there is no food to be taken, just a near empty jar of artichoke hearts, another of pimientos in oil, and a half-used bottle of passata.
  2. I poured myself a cup of hot coffee, white with steamed milk, appreciating the magic of a thermos, even if the contents always tasted vaguely of vegetable soup.
  3. Jake wandered back into the living room with a large Milk Bone.
  4. Cereal from cardboard boxes, milk from the fridge, bread baked and sliced in a bakery, browned in a toaster, life here was never so easy.
  5. I put some bran flakes and milk in my bowl and shuffle the flakes about, my appetite fading.
  6. I take a long slow draught of my milk, feel the cool creaminess coat my mouth.
  7. I force down the remaining bran flakes and slurp the last dregs of milk in my bowl.
  8. Lots of folks had their own milk or eggs, or bought from neighbors, but others, especially them hippies who started making their homes back in the woods, still needed to buy theirs.
  9. She made the icing by boiling brown sugar and butter and evaporated milk and poured it on the day before so it could soak down into the cake.
  10. I lift Tibbles off my lap and go to the fridge, hoping a glass of milk might make me sleepy.

TV Series Examples



Give him milk of the poppy.



with stalks as pale as milk