English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni da dama na kalmar "mita" dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani da su: li>Asalin naúrar tsayi a tsarin tsarin raka'a na duniya (SI), daidai da santimita 100. yawan ma’auni da kari na al’ada. p>Hanyar ma’anar ma’anar ma’anar ma’anar ma’auni a cikin waqa. /li> Hanyar waƙa, musamman maƙarƙashiya ko bugun jini. kwararar iskar gas ko wutar lantarki. >Aikin aunawa, musamman ma tsarin auna yawan, girma, ko girman wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. A man took readings on a special meter, and at length he pronounced himself satisfied.
  2. She felt around until she found the mattress, which had floated about a half meter above the bunk frame.
  3. Mac and his friend angled the Litediscs around until the guy holding the light meter in front of me nodded.
  4. He was a good quarter meter taller than she was, and she did her best to not be intimidated.
  5. He looked to be about five and stood only a meter or so from a woman with dark plaits the same shade as his short spiky hair.
  6. Michael filled the meter to avoid getting a ticket from the Green Onions, the parking police nicknamed after the color of their uniforms.
  7. Only, the circle before us was less than a meter in diameter.
  8. He found the radiation meter wedged behind his seat and moved its probe around the ceiling .
  9. Driving in the real world while riding a psychotic roller coaster in the murder world in my head, I had just missed taking out a parking meter.
  10. The first instance occurs when you feel the ghost has the MEL meter spiked.