English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "metamorphosis" wani canji ne mai zurfi a cikin tsari ko tsari, sau da yawa ana yin alama ta hanyar canji na jiki ko gagarumin canji a hali ko bayyanar. Ana amfani da kalmar yawanci don bayyana canji mai ban mamaki da ba za a iya jurewa ba, kamar haɓakar malam buɗe ido daga matafila ko tadpole zuwa kwaɗo. A cikin ma'ana mai faɗi, kalmar na iya nufin kowane canji mai zurfi ko canji, ko na zahiri, ko na rai, ko na hankali.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was time for metamorphosis, for the real Terra to emerge and spread her wings.
  2. The metamorphosis fumes are not an excuse for me to lash out at you.
  3. While Nectar did offer some facsimile of the benefits of Ambrosia, it also caused a rapid onset of madness, violence, and, on occasion, complete metamorphosis.
  4. They were able to achieve this because their bodies reacted uniquely to the metamorphosis fumes from most of their kind, giving them super strength, size, and draconic wings.
  5. In an odd way, although there were negative effects, the metamorphosis fumes had saved their race.
  6. The two girls looked with horror upon this shameful metamorphosis, the man of the world shaking off his covering and appearing as a galley-slave.
  7. Most of the land remains uncharted and uninhabitable from the darkness, harsh winds, and heat, except for by beings who mutated adaptations from the metamorphosis fumes.