English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "daraja" wani inganci ne ko siffa da ta cancanci yabo, lada, ko saninta, yawanci saboda kyawunta, kimarta, ko amfaninta. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga cancanta ko cancantar mutum ko wani abu, musamman ta fuskar iyawa ko nasarorin da ya samu. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "daraja" azaman fi'ili ma'anar cancanta, samun, ko cancantar wani abu.


  1. deserve

Sentence Examples

  1. Carl had the feeling Alec was weighing the merit in answering his questions.
  2. In most modern editions, it should be observed, his style has been smoothed and smartened, but without any reference to the original Spanish, so that if he has been made to read more agreeably he has also been robbed of his chief merit of fidelity.
  3. They have the merit of a traditional piety, which to our mind, if uttered at all, had been less objectionable in the retired closet of a diary, and in the sober raiment of prose.
  4. Any merit Avellaneda has is reflected from Cervantes, and he is too dull to reflect much.
  5. The artist must be native to the island and all artwork must be identifiably of authentic indigenous merit.
  6. Esteban and Darnell and some of the other heavy-duty gangsters kept glancing his way, as though considering whether or not his words had merit and might apply to them.
  7. We cannot call his materials the noblest or purest, but we must concede to him the highest merit of construction.
  8. From the somber way the older slaves took the threat, I could only assume there was some merit to the stories.
  9. But I can say this much, that the choice he made of going to the wars was attended with such success, that by his gallant conduct and courage, and without any help save his own merit, he rose in a few years to be captain of infantry, and to see himself on the high-road and in position to be given the command of a corps before long but Fortune was against him, for where he might have expected her favour he lost it, and with it his liberty, on that glorious day when so many recovered theirs, at the battle of Lepanto.
  10. Perhaps something had happened to merit a cover-up.