English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “mercer” tana da ‘yan ma’anoni masu yuwuwa, dangane da mahallin:Dan kasuwa ko mai ciniki da ke mu’amala da masaku, musamman siliki.Dila. a cikin lallausan yadudduka da/ko sutura. merx," ma'ana "kayayyaki" ko "kaya." An yi amfani da shi a cikin Ingilishi tun ƙarni na 13, da farko don kwatanta waɗanda ke da hannu a cikin cinikin masaku.

Sentence Examples

  1. One day, as I was in the Alcana of Toledo, a boy came up to sell some pamphlets and old papers to a silk mercer, and, as I am fond of reading even the very scraps of paper in the streets, led by this natural bent of mine I took up one of the pamphlets the boy had for sale, and saw that it was in characters which I recognised as Arabic, and as I was unable to read them though I could recognise them, I looked about to see if there were any Spanish-speaking Morisco at hand to read them for me nor was there any great difficulty in finding such an interpreter, for even had I sought one for an older and better language I should have found him.
  2. They left Mercer, the Voyager carpenter, with the ship.
  3. They headed through the port toward the dock, toward the ship Mercer was instructed to defend.
  4. I already threw around my real name and informed the proper people to expect someone named Mercer to ask for him.
  5. In contrast, what little stubble Mercer had atop his head was blond, and had been shaved short.
  6. No, Mercer, you never have to apologize for something as silly as your social ability.
  7. Mercer saw six riders approaching long before he heard the hoof beats.
  8. In direct contrast, to the way Mercer fought on the forecastle deck.
  9. They stood close together at the bow, facing the stern facing Captain Sebastian, and Cearl, Richard, Helix, and Mercer, and the other Voyagers.