English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "melancholy" wani abu ne na baƙin ciki mai zurfi ko damuwa, sau da yawa ba tare da wani dalili ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa yanayi mai ban tsoro ko tunani, sau da yawa tare da jin bakin ciki ko asara. Ana iya amfani da kalmar don bayyana yanayin tunani ko yanayi na gaba ɗaya ko sauti, kamar guntun waƙa ko kuma saitin raɗaɗi.


  1. black bile

Sentence Examples

  1. The song went on, the lyrics melancholy, the voice clear and precise.
  2. Although these have been our companions before, there is an increase in their intensity and combined with fragile emotions, melancholy and sorrows rise to the surface.
  3. And out of this melancholy water arose a forest of tall eastern trees, like a wilderness of dreams.
  4. The blood pooled onto the ground and steam rose to the sky in a disorderly stream of white, which added a blackish-red melancholy to the terrain.
  5. I found him well educated, with unusual powers of mind, but infected with misanthropy, and subject to perverse moods of alternate enthusiasm and melancholy.
  6. I could hear the melancholy oozing through the burn of the scotch.
  7. It was then a busy, populous university town, something more than the enterprising rival of Salamanca, and altogether a very different place from the melancholy, silent, deserted Alcalá the traveller sees now as he goes from Madrid to Saragossa.
  8. Something about his melancholy tone silenced Lance.
  9. To cheer her melancholy spirits, Catherine took her mare, Clover, and the pair trotted out in the bright May sun.
  10. Her violet eyes peered out from underneath its hood, as melancholy and thoughtful as he remembered.