English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "makanikanci" suna ne da ke nufin mai gyara da kula da injuna, injina, ko na'urorin inji. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wanda ya ƙware a aikace a aikace na ƙa'idodin injina, kamar a fagen injiniya ko kimiyyar lissafi. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da kalmar don kwatanta ma'aikacin hannu, musamman ma wanda ke yin aikin jiki ko ƙwararren aiki da hannayensu.


  1. automobile mechanic
  2. car-mechanic
  3. grease monkey
  4. auto-mechanic

Sentence Examples

  1. Their houses are very ill-built, the walls bevel, without one right angle in any apartment and this defect arises from the contempt they bear to practical geometry, which they despise as vulgar and mechanic those instructions they give being too refined for the intellects of their workmen, which occasions perpetual mistakes.
  2. Maraschuk patted the mechanic on the shoulder and turned to walk away.
  3. It will seek out those nanobots the rulku wizard The Mechanic sent out before I killed him.
  4. They found a mechanic and Boomer showed him the motor.
  5. Nothing to distinguish it from the uniform of a mechanic or janitor.
  6. Use our network of sea snakes and fauna to find the maker of maladies, the rulku scientist they call The Mechanic, and kill him before he kills us.
  7. The nanobots that surrounded The Mechanic, cloudlike, held the serpent at bay.
  8. The last time I remember seeing it was after I had finished a call with a mechanic about bringing my Jeep in for some work next week or so.
  9. She and the mechanic began tracing branches, marking the breaks on the drawing from Machs.
  10. The robotic arm transformed again, this time into the projection of The Mechanic, a shadowy talisman made up by bits of light and nanobots circling the air.