English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "maze" wani tsari ne mai sarƙaƙƙiya na hanyoyi ko hanyoyin da ke da wuyar kewayawa ko gano hanyar fita. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani yanayi mai ruɗani ko yanayin al'amuran da ke da wuyar fahimta ko warwarewa. Bugu da ƙari, "maze" na iya nufin wani tsari ko ƙira wanda ya ƙunshi hanyoyi masu rikitarwa da haɗin kai, galibi ana amfani da su don nishaɗi ko kayan ado.


  1. labyrinth

Sentence Examples

  1. I could see the city below, the rows of hover cars clogging the streets and skyways in gleaming lines that reflected the sky, the maze of grey metal buildings.
  2. I started forcing my way into the crowd, struggling to get through the maze of people.
  3. To my left, partially lit by leaking moonlight, partially in gloom, but mostly in shadow and pitch darkness across the expansive first floor was a maze of crushing, tearing, shredding, and sorting machines, and stacks, walls, mountainous piles, and wheeled bins of both plastic and canvas filled to the brim with product, before, during, and after crushing.
  4. When we caught up to Kay, we found him at a junction in the maze of endless corridors, talking to a tall blond guy I assumed must be Simon.
  5. Cubicles connected the walls, creating a maze of technical experts and computer geeks.
  6. Somewhere beyond, behind, beside them, Love was hiding with murderous intent and hunting for him in that maze was like looking for a pool cue with one end.
  7. It was a small maze to get there, past a large great room filled with pool tables and another smaller and, rarely used, living room.
  8. With a strangled cry she ran, twisting and turning through the dark maze of forest, Falawn on her heels.
  9. The air fizzed with a maze of dazzling colours as shafts of magic zig-zagged crazily around the Great Hall.
  10. Not only was this place a lot bigger than she remembered, but the piles of pill-shaped holding tanks and a maze of tangled pipes reminded her of how out of her depth she was with all this science stuff.