English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "matted" ita ce:siffa:An lulluɓe shi da wani abu mai yawa ko murɗe, kamar gashi ko filaye, wanda ke da wahala. a ware ko kwancewa. as in matted hair or matted wool.fi’ili:Don zama entangled ko knotted, kamar yadda a gashi ko zaruruwa. Don rufe da ko samar da tabarma ko tabarma.Misali jumla: Furen kare yana cike da laka da tarkace bayan ya bi ta cikin daji.

Sentence Examples

  1. The long hair was matted with blood and her face was battered beyond all recognition.
  2. I had a quick wash in the sink, as I was covered in grime from falling in the road and my knees were a mess of matted blood.
  3. Droplets of water fell from his face and his black hair was matted to his neck and brow.
  4. Despite the cuts and bruising, her tangled hair matted with filth from the caves, her blood and vomit, the red, black, and broken limbs that made up her body, Kallan raised her eyes to her mother.
  5. It would take a powerful wolf to smell through all the horse manure matted into my fur.
  6. Bloodshot eyes darted around inside a face pale and slack, his hair matted with sweat.
  7. A dwarf with a bushy beard and matted red hair stood glaring at him.
  8. Yes, it was none other than the nameless man, his pale blonde mop of hair matted against his brow with sweat and his face a mask of pain.
  9. The wild copper mop of hair matted nearest the places singed to the bloody scalp, and his grizzled beard had melted completely away in places.
  10. The wig of dreadlocks and the torrential rain had matted his hair.