English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ilimin lissafi" yana da alaƙa da lissafi ko amfani da ka'idodin lissafi, hanyoyi, ko tunani. Kalma ce da ke bayyana wani aiki ko tsari wanda ya ƙunshi amfani da dabaru ko dabaru na lissafi. Ana iya amfani da shi don bayyana wani abu da aka yi tare da daidaito, daidaito, da hankali ga daki-daki, kamar yadda ake buƙata sau da yawa a cikin lissafi.

Sentence Examples

  1. He breakfasted and dined at the club, at hours mathematically fixed, in the same room, at the same table, never taking his meals with other members, much less bringing a guest with him and went home at exactly midnight, only to retire at once to bed.
  2. Three days before, Phileas Fogg had been a criminal, who was being desperately followed up by the police now he was an honourable gentleman, mathematically pursuing his eccentric journey round the world.
  3. He tried to mathematically prove to himself that he would not run from a battle.