English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “matched” yawanci ana amfani da ita azaman abin da ya gabata da kuma abin da ya gabata na fi’ili “match”. Ma'anar ƙamus na "match" a matsayin fi'ili ya haɗa da: Don zama iri ɗaya ko kama da wani abu mai girma, siffa, ko inganci. Don haɗa ko haɗawa. da wani abu ko wani ta hanyar da ta dace ko kuma ta dace da juna. “Matched” na iya nufin cewa an haɗa wani abu ko kuma an haɗa shi da wani abu ta hanyar da ta dace da juna, ko kuma ya kasance daidai ko kama da wani abu mai girma, siffa, ko inganci. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani taron da ya gabata inda aka shirya gasa ko wasa tsakanin ƙungiyoyi biyu ko fiye da haka ko daidaikun mutane.

Sentence Examples

  1. She was taller than Myriam and in her four-inch heels easily matched my height.
  2. Next to the hilt stood four matched silver goblets, not of the current fashion, but nevertheless all containing a good portion of the valued metal.
  3. The acerbic tone of her words matched the profile of the anonymous villain.
  4. Ironically, his ginger hair matched the colour of his fur when he shifted forms much to the amusement of his roommates.
  5. I skimmed the expanse of the room with a fleeting thought that I could pick out Abby, but no one matched the imagined description.
  6. A loudspeaker voice was telling them to leave the platform by their designated colour, each carriage arranged so that it was matched up to the correct tunnel.
  7. Jack had no intention of being berated by an old cleric in dirty vestments with an attitude that matched the weather.
  8. Hard steel eyes told of an inquisitiveness not quite matched by his manner the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile that carried no humour with it.
  9. Dean Terry remarked how well that sapphire blue empire-cut blouse matched her eyes.
  10. Waves of shock matched the pressure of being choked as the black mist contorted itself into the shape of a dagger.