English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "mai yawa" ita ce: zuwa babba ko babba ko digiri; sosai ko da yawa. Yawancin lokaci ana amfani da shi don bayyana wani abu mai mahimmanci ko mahimmanci a girma, yawa, ko tasiri.

Sentence Examples

  1. This partnership is going to be massively profitable for both of us.
  2. That would be massively expensive yet pocket change to his family.
  3. The waterfall was behind her, and the cave extended massively in front, broadening into an airy cavern.
  4. I could see even in the dim light that the stone was massively carved, but that the carving had been much worn by time and weather.
  5. The decision was made that security would be massively boosted at the launch facility and that the mission would proceed as planned.
  6. They are, when compared to most people who live in the high country, large-boned, massively built giants.
  7. Tufts of black hair on his massively broad hands added a touch of werewolf to the inky hue.
  8. There were twenty-four crates, each with massively powerful batteries running two systems.