English to hausa meaning of

Akwai ma'anoni ƙamus da yawa na kalmar "alama." Anan ga kaɗan: Wani alama ko alama a saman sama, kamar layi, tabo, ko tabo. Alama, alama, ko nuni da ke wakiltar. wani abu dabam. A target, aim, or objective.Aji ko makin da aka bayar ga aikin ɗalibi ko kwazonsa. ko yawa, kamar fam ko kilogram. Sunan mutum ko tsaye . Don yin abin da ake iya gani a sama, kamar sanya wa shafi alama da alkalami ko fensir. mark." Ma'anar na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi.


  1. home run
  2. bull's eye
  3. bell ringer

Sentence Examples

  1. I was pretty sure her intense stare was focused on the boot-shaped mark on my face.
  2. So faint she had almost mistaken it for a random blot, there was a hash mark next to the entry, just as there were with at least six others scattered throughout the ledger.
  3. Each year, the graduating class presented a gift to the college to redesign the cable car as their outgoing mark on Braxton.
  4. The waterline is evident here, like a child extended his hand with a pen between his fingers, letting it mark up the sides of houses.
  5. I pushed up my shirtsleeve to show the tip of the claw mark scar across the back of my forearm then flipped it over to show the identical mark on the other side.
  6. Just to put the final check mark on his alibi, I asked if he knew any good mattress stores, claiming I was in the market to find a new one.
  7. Blade emblazoned with the House crest of a ship tossed about by a stormy sea, the dagger was a distinctive weapon meant to mark the bearer as a member of House Staerleigh.
  8. She glanced down and thought she saw a black mark near her hand, but whatever it was had already faded, if it had been anything at all.
  9. The last line I caught before she was out of range made me laugh, thinking about how far someone would go to demand a better mark.