English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sarrafawa" ita ce kula da, sarrafawa, ko kula da ayyuka ko ayyukan wani abu ko wani, yawanci da nufin cimma wata manufa. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin nasara wajen fuskantar yanayi mai wahala ko aiki. Bugu da ƙari, "management" na iya komawa ga aikin gudanar da kasuwanci ko ƙungiya, yanke shawara, da jagoranci albarkatun.


  1. care
  2. deal
  3. handle

Sentence Examples

  1. I could do with both arms to wield the cleaver but after a few blows, I manage to break through the skin of the trunk.
  2. All I could manage was to point across the water and say something about helping three murdered women.
  3. Gaining her trust by increments would yield better results, if he could manage the feat.
  4. I manage to navigate my way out of the village and round the two hairpins before I feel myself collapsing.
  5. Doing good works to help them manage their meager finances, mostly through Social Security.
  6. In the final analysis, the island is so small it can barely contain the influx, but I also think the various interested parties manage the situation well.
  7. I try to contribute, to at least appear to offer an opinion, and I manage to steer Shirley away from her more outrageous speculations.
  8. We never did manage to prove it was Aric who did it, but it must have been.
  9. With the politest smile I can manage, I retrieve the boxes and head back through the shop, struggling out the door and waiting for Shirley on the pavement.
  10. I manage to get my feet on the ground still clinging to all those warmed-up sheets and stumble to the door to close it, then turn to locate where I put my clothes.

TV Series Examples



You can manage food, l trust?