English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "makeshift" na ɗan lokaci ne kuma yawanci ingantacce ko na'urar da aka yi amfani da ita a maimakon wani abu da ya ɓace ko ya ɓace. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da aka yi ko gina shi ta amfani da duk wani abu ko albarkatun da ake samu a lokacin. Kalmar "makeshift" tana nuna ma'anar rashin dawwama ko mafita waɗanda ba a nufin su kasance na dogon lokaci ko dindindin ba.


  1. improvised
  2. jury-rigged

Sentence Examples

  1. Carl continued pressing the makeshift compress against her head, hoping Cruncher was right.
  2. Where Harry lay unconscious on a makeshift bed whilst James and Sam hid in his arms.
  3. He pulled off his jacket and shirt to rip them into makeshift bandages.
  4. I spend the next hour tying together loose ends of the nets, wincing with every tug and pull, fashioning a makeshift triangle as best I can.
  5. He moved to the left, allowing room for Richard to join him on the makeshift stairs, smiling a silent greeting as his brother rounded the corner, and together they began a careful descent.
  6. The fabric went through the loops in my pants, acting as a makeshift belt.
  7. An unusually long room lined with flat pack shelving units and makeshift benches, the challenges of installing a modern fitted kitchen too much for the previous owner.
  8. People lined the walls the makeshift boxing ring was the size of the room.
  9. After hitching him in with his makeshift seatbelt, I eased the truck out of the driveway and on to Hanging Dog Road.
  10. I clumsily opened the handwritten note with my makeshift gloved hand.