English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "maɗaukaki" shine samun haske ko kyalli, yawanci sakamakon gogewa ko haske mai kyau. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu mai kyalli ko kyawu, kamar gashi mai ban sha'awa ko hali mai ban sha'awa. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar don kwatanta laushi ko siliki, irin su masana'anta na satin. Gabaɗaya, “maɗaukaki” na nufin wani abu da yake da kyalli, mai kyan gani, da ban sha’awa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her hair, which he remembered as being long and lustrous, was clumpy and matted.
  2. Her lustrous blond hair falls in waves down to her shoulders, tumbling over her unzipped tan leather jacket, which exposes her white, low-cut V-neck T-shirt.
  3. The walls were dark lustrous oak, the floor was covered in a thick burgundy shag, and one wall was dominated by a huge window, which overlooked the grounds at the rear of the house.
  4. It was the portrait of a young woman of five or six-and-twenty, with a dark complexion, and light and lustrous eyes, veiled beneath long lashes.