English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ɗakin abincin rana" ɗaki ne ko yanki, yawanci a makaranta ko wurin aiki, inda mutane ke zuwa cin abincin rana. Yawanci ana sanye shi da tebura, kujeru, da yuwuwar injunan siyarwa ko sauran wuraren hidimar abinci. Hakanan ana iya saninsa da wurin cin abinci, kantin abinci, ko ɗakin cin abinci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Relieved to have the cocky constable out of his hair for even a short while, Franklin dropped his folder onto the counter and headed for the lunchroom, nodding to Harty on the telephone.
  2. Inside the lunchroom, I spotted Matt sitting at a table talking to a few girls.
  3. Considered by students and their parents as much a permanent a fixture as the deadly meat loaf in the lunchroom, he had just celebrated his forty-first year teaching every science class in existence.
  4. I thought I was exaggerating them until both May and Tracey commented on his actions in the lunchroom.
  5. Colleagues trickled into the lunchroom as I avoided their gaze.