English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙasa" ita ce matsar da wani abu ko wani zuwa ƙaramin matsayi ko matsayi, don rage tsayi ko tsayin wani abu, ko kuma haifar da wani abu ya zama ƙasa ko girma. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin sanya wani abu ƙasa da ƙima, inganci, ko mahimmanci, ko kuma yin wani abu mafi ƙasƙanci ko biyayya.

Sentence Examples

  1. Unable to bear it any longer, he lowered his head, his lips claiming hers.
  2. She lowered her eyes and blinked several times, wanting him to think her on the verge of tears.
  3. With a dizzying whoosh the blood had drained from her face, and she was glad he had lowered the blinds.
  4. She kept her eyes lowered in what Cianne felt was undue deference, but, then, Vivie was nothing if not proper.
  5. She sighed for effect, pushing a bit of ham around on her plate, using the distraction to study her father from under lowered lids.
  6. The suns had finally lowered now, replaced by moonlight.
  7. Pressing her hands together, she lowered her head so that her chin rested on the tips of her fingers.
  8. She sent an appraising look at him from beneath lowered lids, feigning modesty at the compliment.
  9. He remains leaning against the bench with his arms folded, head bowed slightly, gaze lowered.
  10. On the verge of tears, I lowered my head and turned away.