English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "louvered" ita ce samun saitin lallausan kwana ko fins da aka jera su a kwance ko a tsaye a cikin firam, wanda ke ba da damar iska ko haske ta ratsa yayin ban da ruwan sama, hasken rana, ko hangen nesa daga wasu kusurwoyi. Ana yawan amfani da fale-falen fale-falen buraka ko masu rufewa a cikin gine-gine don samun iska, keɓewa, ko dalilai na inuwa. Kalmar kuma tana iya komawa ga ƙirar kayan daki ko wani abu mai siffa mai siffa ko ɓarna.

Sentence Examples

  1. Boxes, clothes, tools, and books blocked what little daylight penetrated the trailer through the forest and louvered windows.
  2. She kept the onboard parts printers busy on the Excalibur producing window shades, louvered cabinets, dishes, and numerous other home furnishings.
  3. A DJ in bright pink louvered sunglasses was pounding out eighties music from a pair of speakers set on either side of the stage, trying to get the kids excited.