English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "asarar" jam'i ce ta sunan "asarar," wanda ke nufin aiki ko tsari na asarar wani abu, ko sakamakon rasa wani abu. Asara na iya komawa ga asarar kuɗi ko dukiya da kasuwanci, ƙungiya ko mutum ɗaya suka yi, ko kuma tana iya komawa ga asarar mutum kamar asarar ƙaunataccen, asarar aiki, asarar lafiya, ko asarar wani abu mai mahimmanci. Gabaɗaya, hasara na nufin duk wani yanayi da aka ɗauke wani abu, ko lalata, ko kuma a rasa, wanda ya haifar da mummunan sakamako.


  1. losings

Sentence Examples

  1. The curate smoothed matters by promising to make good all losses to the best of his power, not only as regarded the wine-skins but also the wine, and above all the depreciation of the tail which they set such store by.
  2. Only last week his losses at cards were more than he could afford and he could not settle his debts.
  3. The first Human-Fey war erupted across Eire, now known as Ireland, and the losses on both sides were staggering.
  4. He desired to know at what age this entertainment was usually taken up, and when it was laid down how much of their time it employed whether it ever went so high as to affect their fortunes whether mean vicious people by their dexterity in that art might not arrive at great riches, and sometimes keep our very nobles in dependence, as well as habituate them to vile companions, wholly take from them the improvement of their minds, and force them, by the losses they have received, to learn and practice that infamous dexterity upon others.
  5. Hobby farmers deduct farm losses from their other income.
  6. Here my master interposed, by asking me how I could persuade strangers out of different countries to venture with me, after the losses I had sustained, and the hazards I had run.
  7. The approach I proposed was to provide subordinated investment funds at very low rates, recognizing that, over time, the yields on these funds would probably not offset the losses associated with the high risks of these investments.
  8. They sat there for a long while, contemplating their losses.
  9. All that were good would be withdrawn and if to these losses, the loss of Donwell were to be added, what would remain of cheerful or of rational society within their reach?
  10. So he cut his losses and returned to his master with what news he had.