English to hausa meaning of

Loki daidaitaccen suna ne wanda ke nufin wani adadi a tarihin Norse. Loki allah ne mai yaudara kuma mai siffa wanda yakan haifar da matsala ga sauran alloli a cikin pantheon. Ana amfani da kalmar Loki sau da yawa don yin nuni ga wanda ya yi ɓarna ko mayaudari.

Sentence Examples

  1. Loki was staring into the fire like a man looking into the eyes of his mistress.
  2. Loki did not immediately answer, as a slave girl came and offered them a fresh drinking horn.
  3. Ve, the youngest of the three brothers, constantly yammered on with Loki.
  4. A figure drifted in on the mist and sat across the bonfire from Loki.
  5. As evening drew nigh, Loki directed them toward a ruined tower in the foothills beneath the Sudurberks.
  6. Perhaps his ghost watched Odin now, waiting, as Odin did, his back to the fire Loki had built.
  7. Loki drifted around the edge of this central room, inspecting shelves that lined the walls.
  8. A large chunk of it fell free, and Loki brushed aside what remained with his forearm.
  9. Loki brought his torch close to the outer wall, then began to chip at ice crusted upon the stone.
  10. Few remained with such talents, and those few, like Loki, felt the burden ever more keenly for it.