English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hanyoyi" shine cikakken haɗin kai na hadadden aiki wanda ya ƙunshi mutane da yawa, wurare, ko kayayyaki. Yana nufin tsari da aiwatar da wani hadadden aiki, sau da yawa ya shafi motsi na mutane, kaya, ko kayayyaki daga wannan wuri zuwa wani. Har ila yau, ya ƙunshi tsarawa da sarrafa albarkatun kamar sufuri, ƙididdiga, da ajiyar kaya don tabbatar da cewa an kammala wani aiki ko aiki yadda ya kamata. A takaice dai, dabaru ya kunshi tsarin gudanarwa da daidaita yadda ake tafiyar da kayayyaki da ayyuka tun daga tushe har zuwa lokacin amfani.

Sentence Examples

  1. We had planned to go to the field to observe the TechnoServe matooke project on Monday, but now the logistics would work better to leave right away.
  2. Alternatively, we suggested a more regional marketing strategy and perhaps pursuing second-tier stores and informal markets in Nairobi where the potential volumes might be lower and the logistics more cumbersome, but the competition would be less fierce.
  3. There will be two global logistics and trade experts.
  4. He found himself thinking of the logistics necessary for a ferry crossing.
  5. Over the years, the logistics of how the guardians appeared would have become irrelevant.
  6. They talked about what Rachel could do about the logistics of his memorial, his burial letting his parents be involved.
  7. He was a bodyguard to a logistics and trade expert.
  8. On the other hand he saw it as a game, a puzzle requiring knowledge of logistics, statistics, economics, history, geography, so many skills.
  9. The TechnoServe BBB team had carefully developed the logistics and recruited volunteers from the United States, Europe, and Korea to handle the anticipated large number of entries, but it was still a huge challenge.
  10. For instance, police academy members will be training logistics, and crowd control in this tower, not to mention advanced students will be doing hostage scenarios.

TV Series Examples



The logistics alone...