English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "hankali" ita ce nazarin tunani da ka'idoji da ma'auni na ingantacciyar fahimta da nuni. Tsari ne ko saitin ƙa'idodin da ke ƙarƙashin tsarin abubuwan da ke cikin kwamfuta ko na'urar lantarki don yin takamaiman aiki. Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa ga wani tsari na tunani ko hanyar tunani game da wani abu da ya dogara da hankali da shaida.

Sentence Examples

  1. Confusing realms exist which have no logic whatsoever.
  2. In defiance of logic, she worried more these days than ever before.
  3. His criticisms are, however, distinguished for scientific precision and coherence of logic.
  4. Suddenly starting from a proposition, exactly and sharply defined, in terms of utmost simplicity and clearness, he rejected the forms of customary logic, and by a crystalline process of accretion, built up his ocular demonstrations in forms of gloomiest and ghastliest grandeur, or in those of the most airy and delicious beauty, so minutely and distinctly, yet so rapidly, that the attention which was yielded to him was chained till it stood among his wonderful creations, till he himself dissolved the spell, and brought his hearers back to common and base existence, by vulgar fancies or exhibitions of the ignoblest passion.
  5. Logic told me I should stay away from her, not screw her life up further.
  6. He understood their logic for shooting the infected, but he still had to consider them dangerous.
  7. For a moment, before logic kicked in, I thought it was wallpaper, the kind Maw Maws prefer, with the tiny little rose pattern.
  8. When it came to Kayla, he seemed to lose all sense of reason, and logic flew out the window.
  9. Our minds will push to fill this space with logic, firing up the reasoning part of the brain in an effort to convince us with rational thinking to abandon the quest.
  10. This guy could run for office with his way of twisting words and logic around to fit his needs.