English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "Loading" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma'anoni gama gari na "Loading": a sa shi ya fi kwanciyar hankali ko kuma a yi wani aiki. p > Tsarin shirya ko kafa manhajar kwamfuta ko aikace-aikacen kwamfuta, musamman wanda ke buqatar ma’adanar ma’adana ko sarrafa shi, domin amfani da shi ko sarrafa ta a kan na’ura. Aikin gabatar da son zuciya ko tasiri ga sakamako ta wata hanya ta musamman, sau da yawa ta hanyar boye ko yaudara. shafin yanar gizon yanar gizo, hoto, ko wani abun ciki na dijital akan na'ura, musamman idan ana ɗaukar lokaci mai ƙima don ɗauka saboda jinkirin saurin intanet ko wasu batutuwan fasaha.

Sentence Examples

  1. During the daylight hours, it thronged with the business of loading and unloading, haggling and arguing, yelling, bartering, and all the commercial activities associated with the ends of seafaring voyages.
  2. He sauntered back along the docks and found a sheltered spot from which he could watch the Roving Seadog completing its loading.
  3. These quays, rising and falling with the tide, thus facilitate the loading and unloading of vessels.
  4. He and Duane are loading up tomorrow and heading out.
  5. To the right of Harry, a young woman was loading a baby into an Alfa Romeo, she was sobbing.
  6. They were busy loading our horse with bushels of food and various dry goods.
  7. Richard leant against the partly loaded cart and watched as Jack stabbed another forkful of hay to death before loading it into the cart.
  8. For three hours Phileas Fogg wandered about the docks, with the determination, if necessary, to charter a vessel to carry him to Yokohama but he could only find vessels which were loading or unloading, and which could not therefore set sail.
  9. Hawke roused our steed and calmed it with a pear from our stocks, loading our things as the horse crunched through pulp and core alike.
  10. Men with guns and NBC suits were going house to house, loading those unlucky enough to escape the virus onto trucks and buses.