English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jera" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin. Anan akwai wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: Misali: An jera littafin a matsayin daya daga cikin goma mafi kyawun masu siyarwa na shekara. Misali: Ta lissafa kanta a matsayin memba na rukunin gida na rukunin muhalli. Misali: Farashin hannun jarin kamfani yana karuwa akai-akai cikin shekarar da ta gabata.

Sentence Examples

  1. It turned out to be a listed building, a small stately hall with splendid gardens.
  2. I giggled and listed to one side, and finally fell.
  3. My boss was known for being lenient, even if reliability was not listed on my CV.
  4. There are several heavy metals listed, and I recognize the others from Dr.
  5. Beyond stood the Grade II listed building, its squat tower with crenellations seeming to him to be out of proportion to the long, buttressed body of the church.
  6. Of everyone listed on the wall, she had been treated the worst by Ralph.
  7. After checking in, he went to the tearooms, also housed in a listed building, where tea and cake were welcome after his walking.
  8. I stopped, jotted down the listed phone number, and called.
  9. The Garman Group was already listed with a gold star, south of his current location.
  10. She listed the various motives Stewart or Hope had to kill Ralph.